Sunday, November 28, 2010

So Much To Be Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I am so thankful for my family and the love we share! We enjoyed a fantastic holiday week at Momma's for Thanksgiving! We spent time playing, baking and cooking, hunting and of course Shirley partying! The time flew by, hard to believe we have been in Camden since Tuesday, it just went by so fast!
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's a happy HAPPY day!!!

Because My Momma Comes Home Today!!!

I know I am spoiled by my Mommy...and really love it!!! I have missed her so much,as she has been on a vacation for 10 WHOLE days with Aunt Cathy! She called this morning at 6:15 as the cruise ship was pulling into I have to be patient 10 more hours (for her to drive back to SC) and then I get my Momma back!
So much happens everyday and I am so use to talking with her..oh at least two or three times a day. We got a lot to catch up on, just the short conversation this morning has me feeling GREAT, EXCITED and FULL of LOVE!!!! Got the kitchen in chaos,baking away getting ready for Thanksgiving!!! Nothing like family holidays!! I LOVE MY MOMMY!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tis The Season


Lock your doors, set you alarm and protect all your goodies...Christmas is around the corner! Which of course means, the crooks are on the prowl to "work" at stealing your stuff! Why such pathetic people will come out at night, sneak around and really put so much energy into stealing and harming instead of getting a real job is beyond my understanding. Don't these people know you can sit back, do nothing and let the good ole Mr. President put you on the system and pay ALL your way for nothing???
Anyway, this morning around 4:30 my neighbor (thank goodness she had to use the potty) spotted a man out her window in my driveway-next to my car. By the time she sent her main man over with his nice gun in hand the scumbag was long gone.
So I am taking this as a huge warning to make sure I am better prepared from now on against criminals!!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Southern weekend!

I deerly enjoyed a weekend in Camden. My little southern kiddos felt the pitter patter of their heart racing with the excitement of a successful deer hunt. A family that plays together loves together and I do love my family!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

What A Weekend!!!

Full of tailgating, Halloween and Birthday celebrations!!!
Three celebrations in one, made for a spooktactular-grand-winning-party weekend! The RV was full this weekend with family, every bed was full and it was chaotic fun! Mamaw, Christen and BJ joined our usual family of four in our 27ft home away from home and Sheryl, Steve and Uncle Roy joined us all Saturday!

Mamaw hit the big 63 this year, and her birthdays are always super important to us! Made her, grandma's famous pound cake! She is the best Mom ever, brave and strong...a breast cancer survivor! She makes me want to burst with pride!!! She has hit her prime and is so full of life and spice. After several hard years MY Mama is back!
Trick or Treat and Happy Halloween!
We had an awesome time with all the Halloween festivities! All the children dressed up and trick or treated to each RV in the tailgating lot! We set up a photo booth and I loved having all the families come and get candy and use the booth to take their family pictures! At nine o'clock all the kids went in for baths and bed and the "adult party" began! All the costumes were unique and a! Oh so much fun! Chris and I dressed as Al and Peg Bundy from the tv show, Married with Children...well I came out being called Snooki, from Jersey Shore. And Mama!!! She started out being a kitty cat before ten and matured into a Cougar after ten. It was great, my Mama in white, leather, knee boots with black leggins was the best!!! Have to admit we all had a little liquid courage to help us along the way:)

Gamecocks Win Against Tennessee WOO-HOO!
What a game, back and forth, but the gamecocks pulled out another win! After the game we enjoyed a large bbq and oyster meal! Our five RVs got together and what an enormous amount of food we all enjoyed! Of course this lead into our corn hole tournaments...Chris and I are STILL undefeated!!!