Monday, October 08, 2012

Chris's Boo Boo!

Chris isn't as young....or as athletic as he use to be!  Needless to say his softball days are now over!  Making diving catches is your teen years are way different to making them in your mid thirties. 
Chris's arm after being reset and now in trackion.  I was nice and didn't include the picture of his S shaped arm before the reset! 
Almost a week later, finally he has his surgery. 
After 12 screws and a plate, hopefully it is fixed and he will heal properly!

Since Chris was out of work 4 weeks, he decided for the first time in his adult life he would grow a beard!  Brunson hated it and told him so everyday!!!  I admit...after it grew enough to be soft, I liked it!  But, if you know me well enough, you would know I love everything about my husband!!! 

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