Hannah had her first softball practice. And she loved it! She was so excited to play on the same team as her neighbor, Savannah. I must admit, we have a lot of practice ahead of us, but at least she was the cutest little one on the field! I was amazed at those little girls - at the age of 5 and six, those girls can really play. I wasn't aware the age to start softball is now three. So Hannah is working hard to catchup, but I am sure she will be just fine. I see the real talent behind my little athlete, hehe. I am looking forward to watching and cheering my little one on, and yes I want to be the team mom. I have to admit - it was hard not going out on that field and help coach, for Chris and myself. We had to hold ourselves back and let the coach handle things. We have practice again on Friday and Chris and I have plans to make sure all the little girls are well hydrated! Anything to support as many of Hannah's journeys in life. Wow, Hannah has really grown up in the last three weeks - starting school and now joining a softball team. I am really proud of her adjustments to all these changes. Her independence is has really become a big deal for her. My heart is so full of love for this very special little girl.