Sunday, August 13, 2006

Weekend with Mikey

Hannah's first week of school has come and gone. I made it! When Brunson and I picked up Hannah on Friday we got a great surprise. Mikey was going to spend the weekend with Hannah. Now Mikey is her Kindergarten class' monkey (stuffed animal). What a treat! Hannah got chosen first out of her class to get to bring Mikey home. Whomever has been a good student and followed directions all week gets chosen to bring Mikey home. Hannah was so proud, she was just a waiving to Brunson and me while we waited in the (longest) line of cars picking up students. It is finally our turn and Hannah jumps in the car. Her mouth is running a mile a minute, she is telling us all about getting chosen 1st. Well with Mikey comes his journal. We are suppose to keep the journal active for Mikey. So boy is my mind racing to try and come up with fun things for us to do.

1 comment:

The Daniels said...

Good Job HANNAH. You are off on the right foot. Make sure you keep it up.