Tuesday, October 30, 2007


The kids are so excited about Halloween! Hailey and Alex came over and we finished planning our Annual Halloween Bash! All the little ones had so much fun trying on all the wigs and masks! And us adults are having a blast too, especially Jenny in the clown wig!

I've Been Tagged

I've Been Tagged By Lolly

1. Who is your man? Christopher Roland Stone

2. How long have you been married? 8 years

3. How long dated? 3 years

4. How old is your man? 30

5. Who eats more? Chris

6. Who said "I love you" first? He Did

7. Who is taller? Chris

8. Who sings better? We are both terrible, but it doesn't stop either of us!

9. Who is smarter? Of course, I am!

10. Whose temper is worse? Mine!

11. Who does the laundry? Mostly Me..

12. Who takes out the garbage? We Both Do

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me

14. Who pays the bills? I pay with Chris's money!

15. Who is better with the computer? Definitely me

16. Who mows the lawn? Both, I love yard work!

17. Who cooks dinner? Mostly me

18. Who drives when you are together? Usually Chris

19. Who pays when you go out? The gentleman of course!

20. Who is most stubborn? Me

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Both

22. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine

23. Who kissed who first? Chris, we were at Bubba N Bucks on the dance floor!

24. Who asked who out? Chris.

25. Who proposed? He did

26. Who is more sensitive? ME

27. Who has more friends? Chris!

28. Who has more siblings? We each have 1

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Depends on the situation!

Now I shall tag: Jenny The Fulmer Family and Heather The Chavis Family

What A Game!

Hannah had another great game! Or I should say Hannah and Chris had a great game. Coach Chris did a great job with the girls. They won 13-1! I think Hannah's success had a lot to do with fans! Maw-Maw surprised us all and came down to watch Hannah's game! Hannah really wanted to impress her and she did. We all had a great time, we are looking forward to the last game on Thursday!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Party Time!

We did it! Maw-Maw's surprise birthday party went down without any problems! And can you believe she knew NOTHING about it! She was totally surprised!! I have never been so happy for my Mama! It was so rewarding to see her happiness when she spotted another friend or family member who had come in her honor. We had lots of great food - barbecue, baked beans, potato salad, slaw, taco salad and more. Thank goodness for our close family, I appreciate all the help! Lord knows I needed all the help I could get. A special thanks to Aunt Cathy, Aunt Debbie, Jenny and Kyleigh for helping with food - Uncle Benny, Auntie Anne and Bubba for the barn!!! And to my Mama... I do love you with all my heart! You have taught me so much in life and I am so proud of you. What a strong woman you are... After losing Daddy, you have been amazing. I just don't know if I could ever be as brave as you. And now to have you as a cancer survivor is so prideful to me. Your faith, love, compassion, and bravery gives me strength and courage to reach out for all my dreams. I love you Mama and happy birthday!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Hannah wins the game ball!!!

We are SO proud of Hannah tonight! Hannah's softball team won 16-2 and she won the game ball. She had four times at bat and got four "great" hits and scored each time! She really impressed us tonight with her aggressive, competitive drive to play the game!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Fair Is In Town!

We enjoyed a great day at the fair! Hannah got a little early dismissal and we headed to the fair about one o'clock and stayed til about seven. The kids had so much fun going through all the activity buildings, they loved the yummy treats, but most of all they had a blast on the rides. It was a great day spending time with the family!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

We have created a Monster!

Brunson is super excited about Halloween! We started pulling down some decorations out of the attic and he is having such fun rummaging through them all. He has touched each item in the box at least 10 times a piece, trying on all the old costumes and decorating everything. Last night was so funny - Chris put the football head on and a sheet around his body and scared Lilly (the puppy). It took me ten minutes to talk her out from under the bed. Chris is the biggest kid of all!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Happy Happy Birthday Hannah!!!

We had a great time celebrating Hannah's 7th birthday! Wow, she is really seven! It still seems like yesterday when she was just a baby. It amazes me what a blessing she has always been to everyone. Hannah's purpose and path in life has been one of nurturing. She has an ability and gift to show and express love and care to everyone. We are so proud and we love her to no end!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Softball is Back!

Hannah enjoyed her first ballgame of the fall season. Her team won 13-1!!! Hannah has so much fun with her friends! She also loves having her Daddy as the coach.