Monday, September 22, 2008

Weekend Fun!

What a weekend. Friday was so fun, Mama came down and spent the afternoon with us. We had fun getting her clothes and accessories ready for her cruise! And Saturday, well that was a little bit of a mess. Mama and Aunt Cathy were scheduled for an early flight out of Columbia airport to Chicago. That did not work out so good. With the plane crash Friday night, Columbia airport was shut down! I had to rush and pick them back up from our airport and get them to Charleston FAST. We made it in time and Mama and Aunt Cat are somewhere in the seas sipping a fruity drink relaxing on a beautiful ship!!! With the road trip I made, I missed Toodie's Birthday Bash! Happy Birthday!!! Saturday evening it was, of course, football at the house. Marcie and the kids, Jenny, Jamie and the kids all came over for some football and play! Sunday was mostly relaxing EXCEPT, painting Brunson's room. He has been wanting a "new room". He wanted a change and the first step was painting his room what he calls the Gamecock color!!!


The Pruetts said...

Love the color of Brunson's room! Hope your momma is having a good time - wish I was on a ship in the middle of nowhere!

The Bowers Family said...

That color is awesome!! The room looks great!!! I'm glad Cathy and Aunt Linda found a flight out and finally got on the Big Boat!! I hate I missed your call...we could have had lunch before you headed back to Columbia! See you guys in a few weeks!!! :) Love ya!~

Dena said...

his room looks great and linda looks sassy!