In South Carolina's governor's debate produces many here is mine.
My background and to my beliefs! Born and raised as a southern republican girl from a middle class family, I am proud! My parents always made government interesting and debatable. I was sheltered and protected as a small child and saw very little evil in our world (thank goodness my parents let me be a child!) In high school, like most teenagers, I questioned EVERYTHING. I believed everyone to be treated equal and when I saw my first homeless shelter I was completely angry and totally confused! I spent a lot of time in volunteer programs helping with children who had no home and children who had no parents or had parents who they were taken away from due to neglect and abuse. There was a whole cruel world out there!!! How could we have people starving in such a rich nation. I remember in high school I loved to watch the 7 o'clock report with my Daddy at night. He and Mama answered each and all of my questions with such patience and heart. My curiosity continued to grow through my high school economic and government courses. I just couldn't get enough politics. Directly upon graduating high school I committed to a summer internship with Lt. Governor Bob Peeler's office before college. Wow, was my eyes opened, it was so exciting and to watch our leaders come together over an issue or situation and just listen to them brainstorm the best most efficient solution to whatever the issue at hand was fascinating. I, of course, learned about the ugly side of politics as well. After this summer in the school of life, I went on to obtain my degree in Behavior Science/Human Services. However, 15 years later I'm just as fascinated, if not more with our local and national politics....because it matters! My children and future grandchildren will be living a life style because of the decisions we are making today!
Issue number 1... funding problems with education. Now I think most everyone shares the opinion education is very important to everyone! However, I do not agree with Sheheen wanting to have public pre-school....come on, first of all let a toddler be a toddler. Most middle to high class individuals go to school what...from 5 years old to at least 21 = 16 years!!! Now don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to maybe 3 days a week for acouple of hours a day preschool, but let's face it people we are so far in debt right now this just isn't possible to do without damaging our economic status even more. We really have to think through what sunshine and daisies are being fluffed our way. Public preschool would create more public transportation cost, more power and other utility cost, insurance cost, etc...let's also face it, a 5 year old has a huge adjustment to staying at school for 7 hours in a learning way could a 3 or 4 year old last all day, so if it isn't a half day will be a babysitting program paid for by our tax dollars...and if it is a half day - transportation and all the cost I mentioned before for 3 hours a day? Does not make sense at all!!! So yes, Mrs Haley shares my opinion in welcoming our local charitable and Churches to unite together and make a change and help with our very young children. Education budgets do need an know I never met a teacher that said I went to college to be a teacher so I will be rich...most teachers chose their career as a public service, sometimes I wonder about some of our education administers.
Issue 2 Control over finances and all human resource departments within government in one office/one committee....Come on, people this is giving ALL control to a very few elected and maybe elected hired persons to decide over all and every department in government...No way Buster! Sounds great to a few people probably due to not having to pay each government department to have a resource staff or a finance committee, but at the total life cost of giving over so much control and power is way too costly...also think about Sheheen and his "biggest goal"...creating jobs...Well so far he is cutting some very important jobs right there!!!
Now for my biggest pet peeve of all!!! The negativity from Sheheen is really disappointing, the lies/exaggerations is just plain cruel. Let's not teach your and my children how to play ugly. Let's be ladies and gentlemen, debate the facts and issues and let the better person come out on top with everyone keeping their integrity!