Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rainy Day Blues

Today is just not the best day for me. Hopefully it is mostly contributed to the dreary weather out...but I just feel like a battle of mine is like a ski slope that I just don't seem to be conquering. On days like today it sure is hard not to have my Daddy around, he would know just the right thing to say. And I feel like a saying he used to always tease me about..."I'm as lost as a fart in the dark". I feel like I have the ability and for the most (haha) part I am a pretty nice person! That saying, "life isn't easy" is so true for me today. I am just chalking up this day to being done and I can't wait to wake up tomorrow a new and refreshed woman!!! Unfortunitly there is laundry to do, homework to help with, dinner to cook, baths to be done and the list goes on. Ohhhhh, what a pity party day!

1 comment:

Lisa (aka) French said...

Hello fellow SC'ner;) Not sure how you found me but welcome to Blogge'ville hope you enjoy the read;) French